(1996, 24 minutes, color video, Tuff Nutz Productions, Directed by Michæl A. Straniere)
The The B-Files: B2: Laundry Day is a cable access produced parody of the popular X-Files series, shot for less than $300. The B-Files: B2: Laundry Day is the sort of backyard, six-pack inspired comedy, best left to circulation amongst friends. X-Files fans or X-Philes as they’re known, might find it mildly amusing, of course after taking valuable time out from show related conventions and chat rooms.
In this installment, B2: Laundry Day, agents Moldy (Mikey Fasolo) and Scummy (Nikki Wooster) investigate a series of attacks carried out by socks. Beyond that, the real spoof is that B2 follows the same tired formula used for most X-Files shows. There’s an opening unexplainable event, in this case a sock attacks a woman doing laundry, witnesses are interviewed and then there’s the prerequisite autopsy (in this case a sock). A government cover-up is discovered and Moldy and Scummy are thwarted at all turns by “Them,” the secret forces trying to suppress the B-Files. Of course, in the end, there are more questions than answers, as there is no “scientific” explanation for why the socks attacked.
B2: Laundry Day’s effort to take a comedic stab at a popular TV show lacks something integral to any production, whether comedy or drama — the ability to effectively bring an idea/vision to life. This has nothing to do with budget or resources; there’re better films out there produced with less, but it has everything to do with talent. This one’s best left to one of those annoying “Funniest Home Video” shows.