I’m finally home in the comfort of my apartment, where I get to dictate whether I ever hear that “Umbrella…ella…ella…A…A…” song again, which is precisely as it should be. Like most long festival adventures, my body and health got me through the work-load of seeing and reviewing films, only to crap out on me right before the final screening of the festival.
I was having a conversation in the HQ prior to “You Kill Me” when my right ear went all swimmer-ear on me and clogged up… or something. Point is, I suddenly couldn’t hear out of my right ear. On top of that, my head began to hurt, felt dizzy… and I still had a movie to see and the closing night party to attend.
Jamie and I got our seats for “You Kill Me,” and I gave her the heads-up that if it really got bad, I was going to retreat for the evening and hope I felt better in the morning. Then an amazing thing happened: “You Kill Me” started, and was really good. Despite the pain in my ear, I couldn’t leave the flick, I was really into it. When the movie ended my ear was still clogged, but I felt better all-around, so Jamie and I went to the closing night party at Mandalay Bay’s new beach-style casino.
This particular party was a bit too big for my tastes, but Jamie and I found some nice beach chairs and I just reclined, soaking in the end of my festival experience. Nice and cool, pretty lights and a surprising live concert by Katherine McPhee all happened while I sat, half-deaf, in that beach chair.
But once again, the festival is over, and I’m home. Still can’t hear our of my one ear, but I’m convinced it’s all allergy/sinus-related (as Vegas always gives me trouble with that), so I’m taking the necessary allergy meds and hopefully I’ll be back to tip-top shape in time for the end of the week’s Los Angeles Film Festival.
Big thanks to everyone involved with CineVegas this year, especially Trevor, Mike, Devon, Linda, Chris, Kate and every filmmaker, staff or volunteer I got to hang out with and talk to as the days went on. And of course, huge thanks to Jamie and Don for rocking the festival with me, keeping the reviews coming and the commentary fun.
Hopefully you all returned well…I should be seeing you for CineVegas 08!
Great blogs this year, Mark.