Following its media explosion two months ago, a long-form trailer for indie buzz flick “Surfbroads” will have a not-so-underground premiere at the wildly popular Eighth Annual CHICAGO UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL on Friday, August 17 at the Biograph Theatre in… where else? Chicago! Surfbroads is an ultra-violent girl-gang genre film, hailed by many as the first true exploitation film since the mid 1970’s, a period which spawned classics such as Jack Hill’s SWITCHBLADE SISTERS and Jonathan Demme’s CAGED HEAT.
Surfbroads has also gained notoriety due to it’s inspired casting, which includes retired adult star Alisha Klass as well as original actors from the Russ Meyer classic BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. Surfbroads is the first feature from writer/director Cody Jarrett, who is known both as an actor and lead singer for celebrity all-star band TEEN MACHINE. Jarrett is making Surfbroads “…because it’s exactly the kind of film I want to see, and no one else is making it!”
Log onto the official site for a sneak peek of Surfbroads!.
Get more info from the official site for the Chicago Underground Film Festival.