The REVelation Independent Film Festival, which will begin on [ March 6th ] and close up on [ March 9th, 2001 ] , is known as “the most significant of Australia’s myriad of new film events” , and the 2001 event will focus specifically on documentaries, as the REV Fest joins forces with Australian International Documentary Conference. Documentary submissions are now being accepted through the [ online REVelation entry form ] , and all formats and lengths are welcomed until the deadline on [ January 15th, 2001 ]
Already scheduled to appear at REVelation 2001 is “American Pimp,” a no-holds-barred look at the mythic image of the pimp, as explored through first-hand accounts with high rollers across the U.S. “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” will also receive a special screening, and other festival favorites will join the ranks of soon-to-be-chosen indies from international filmmakers (like you) in time for the March event.