“Sr. Trapo” (Mr. Cloth) is a moody and intense animated short film that follows the titular character as he wanders through a deserted landscape. So named because of his sack body and stitched face, Sr. Trapo drags his suitcase behind him and investigates the mysteries of a ruined train station that, despite its dilapidated condition, still displays departure schedules and prints out tickets. Leaking sand from a tear on his finger, Sr. Trapo struggles to make the last train out.
These avant garde pieces can occasionally get annoying, but the level of detail in “Sr. Trapo’s” animation was certainly enough to forgive the protracted meanderings of its protagonist. Even the payoff at the end doesn’t entirely make sense (ribbons escape the suitcase, through which one can catch a glimpse of visions past), but that’s what I get for not paying enough attention in symbolism class.