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By Film Threat Staff | April 21, 2003

In just one weekend, filmmaker David C. King will make you feel very afraid of being a slacker ever again. On April 24th, “Twisted Weekend 3: Slacker Weekend” will have its world premiere at Cinema Paradiso in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A party will precede the film at Starmark International’s “StarBar,” just one block away from the Cinema Paradiso.
“Twisted Weekend 3: Slacker Holocaust” begins as a simple story of a group of college friends looking to spend a weekend getting loaded. The movie opens with Lucie’s birthday – a comical spoof on an excessive binging party filled with liquor, drugs and sex. Things really get twisted though, when a mysterious gift appears and the evening ends in a drunken game of Ouija.
You can probably guess what happens from there.
For more info on the screening, check out the Fival’s Corn Shank Productions website.

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