Maybe I’m missing something here, but this film is nothing more than a pointless, meandering “chat” with some smooth talking self-help type idiot (DB Monier-Williams) who is trying to convince the off screen presence that he needs to get his life in order and help sell some bags. Like I said, it’s pointless, but it’s also kind of hypnotizing.
Vincent O’Brien (the director and one of the writers — as if this film needed two of them) has talent, but I get the feeling this is not his best work. I’m not sure what he was trying to do or say with this, and I didn’t care. There’s no catch; no payoff. Just a lot of dialogue like, “Where do you want to be tomorrow?” Of course, you also get the cliched, “Failure is not an option.” It’s all stuff you’ve heard before and have come to realize has absolutely no meaning … much like this film.