SAVING GRACE ^ -OR- ^ CHEECH AND CHONG’S FULL MONTY ^ Life’s not going so well for Grace Trevethen (Brenda Blethyn). After her husband dies, she finds out he had both a mistress and a mountain of debt. Now she’s in danger of losing her manor on the Cornish coast of England. What have the movies taught us about the irascible British in times of economic need? They can get a little creative. Grace has quite the green thumb and her handyman Matthew (Craig Ferguson of “The Drew Carey Show”) has quite the hankering for a certain green weed. Hilarity and ganja ensue. ^
This testament to English eccentricity and the kind bud won the audience award at the 2000 Sundance Film Festival. Possessing both accents and a pro-drug message, it’s easy to see why. Amongst all the doom and gloom of most festival offerings, this was one of the only true date films. A little conflict, a little romance, and a drug-dealer from France. It’s all fluff with the deeply imbedded message that no matter what happens in life, you have to deal with it and move on. Thankfully, any such lesson is covered up by a great deal of laughter.