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By Eric Campos | January 21, 2003

For a lover instead of a fighter, Robert Capa sure spent a lot of time, dodging bullets, wearing military fatigues and documenting some of the world’s most infamous conflicts, garnering him the reputation as “The Greatest War Photographer in the World.” And when he was snapping photos of wounded soldiers and fleeing citizens…he was dippin’ the ladies.

A Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, Capa was born Endre Friedman who would grow up with not only an amazing photographer’s eye, but a social charm that made him friends wherever he turned, especially with the females. But no matter how charming Friedman was, he still found it difficult to find work as a journalist – it was damn near impossible. So, he created a character, one which would be shrouded in mystery, a legendary photographer so busy that know one could recall ever meeting him. Friedman would find work under this character’s name – Robert Capa. After finding major success in his pseudonym, Friedman decided to remain as Robert Capa, traveling the world, shooting World War II photographs (it was Capa’s photos of the storming of Normandy that Spielberg referenced to create the nauseating opening sequence of “Saving Private Ryan”), sports events and later found himself in Hollywood, but left shortly after as he declared the industry a big pile of s**t.

“Robert Capa: In Love and War” presents a straightforward documentation of Capa’s amazing career, made up mostly of photos the man himself took (which clearly shows why he is regarded as one of the greatest photographers to ever exist) and talking head interviews with those that knew and loved him. Extremely informative of the man’s career as well as his personal life; aspiring photographers would do well by checking this one out.

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