“Prison Warz” is a martial arts film that concentrates solely on action. When I say Solely, I mean Solely. There is no dialogue, not even one sentence. The characters are created through the subtle direction, body language, and nuances that only actors of deep concentration can produce. This Sergio Leone-esque style is consistent throughout the film.
Great athletes performing in great action shots; great classic filmmaking. The sound effects and music carry the story well. Because of these fast maneuvers with the beat of the music, Prison Warz has an almost theatrical feel to it, like “Stomp”. The movements are so quick and so fast it’s like playing a video game instead of a film. The athletic abilities of the actors are astounding. Using weapons, their own bodies, and the music to create one long fight scene that is so complex it’s practically dancing, the makers of Prison Warz have stumbled onto something pretty spectacular in the world of martial arts. It’s a choreographed hardcore ballet and it rocks. It’s a shame its only 9 minutes long.