It was completely unexpected but thank the Force, Amy Earhart is back as Stacy, the Valley Girl who would be on her way to becoming a Jedi if Luke wasn’t in the way. This time, returning from a battle in Hoth, she wonders why the other pilots didn’t just dodge the front of the “elephants” with the guns.
This time, Stacy heads into Dagobah where her transport unfortunately lands without its wings. And a girl without a pedicure and a latte is not a happy one at that, especially on a planet where she has to walk in mud. Soon, she comes upon Yoda, who mistakenly believes that she is the one that needs the all-important training. This brings forth one of many great jokes in “Pink Five Strikes Back”, the multi-colored lightsaber. It’s such a joy to watch Stacy try to work on her training, and Yoda finds himself wrong in claiming that Stacy can’t beat him.
So much hyperbole could be used in describing how great “Pink Five Strikes Back” is. “Five stars!” (obvious by my rating), “A worthy companion to the first film!” “As great as a long orgasm!” “Creative and it sparkles with much talent from all sides…writing, directing, acting, AND special effects!” (It’s too easy to write these). There’s so much quality and care inherent in this sequel, and it shows that this was not a rush job by an extreme long shot. Like the first one, it’s well-written and funny. It’s not better than the original, but is just as great. They both have their own ways of making people feel giddy about the Star Wars universe, and I wouldn’t mind if Stacy keeps making these appearances, that is if Earhart and director Trey Stokes don’t get tired of the character. However, a glimmer of hope appears at the end credits, which had better happen within a year. “Pink Five” is fast becoming possibly the best set of films in the Star Wars fanfilm universe, and the momentum should not let up, so long as the principals have the time to do it. More, more, please!