In last week’s entry in PETE JONES’ “DOUBTING RILEY” DIARY, Pete completed production and headed to the wrap party for a much needed drink. Or five. With shooting complete, now post-production and insane deadlines are now staring him square in the eye…
This past week was the longest week I’ve had since my last day of unemployment, which was four months ago. Is there something wrong with me that I long for my days of unemployment? I miss the deception and lies involved with not working. Every morning when not working I wake up with grand plans. First, I’m going to write. Second, I’m going to diet. And third, I’m not going to lie. By 9:30 AM, I’m leaving Starbucks with a Mocha Frapuccino and Maple Oat Scone on my way to my buddy’s house to play Halo on Xbox while on the cell phone telling my wife that I’ve already written one great scene and she can soon tell her parents that I’m not a bum.
Get the complete story in the next part of PETE JONES’ “DOUBTING RILEY” DIARY >>>