When last we met in PETE JONES’ “DOUBTING RILEY” DIARY, Pete was rushing to meet the October 3rd Sundance deadline. So what happened? Why the absence of a diary entry last week? Did Pete eat a bullet? Let’s find out…
A lot of momentous things took place this week but none more important than the Chicago Cubs winning their first postseason series since 1908. I have lived and mostly died a Cubs fan since the glory days of Barry Foote, Steve Ontiveros and Mick Kelleher in the late ‘70s. Since I have an obligation to my investors to finish “Doubting Riley”, I Tivo, that’s right, Tivo, the greatest invention ever, each Cubs game and watch it from midnight to 3AM.
Get the complete story in the next part of PETE JONES’ “DOUBTING RILEY” DIARY IX>>>