Taz Goldstein and Robert Moniot from BUILT-D Pictures (you know, the guys behind The Dancing Cow) are stirring up more trouble with their new short. “Pearl Harbor II: Pearlmageddon” will make its debut on the web on December 4th, the same day Disney launches Pearl Harbor.
“Pearl Harbor II: Pearlmageddon” is still being shopped for a deal with one of the major streaming content companies (you know, really fast so that they don’t go out of business before the film comes out). It’s been seen around Hollywood on bootleg VHS copies and so far, the reaction has been “terrific.”
As soon as we see a copy, you can expect a review here at Film Threat, but for now, just enjoy this “teaser” poster. Bombs away!
For details, check out the Pearl Harbor II: Pearlmageddon web site.
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