Though the San Francisco Independent Film Festival doesn’t launch officially until [ January 11th through the 21st, 2001 ] , they’re getting themselves, and us too, in the mood with a big fat party. The Benefit Lauch Party will go down on [ December 9th ] from [ 9PM until 2PM ] , though you could make it your personal duty to see that it goes even later. All festivities will take place at the [ Bohemia Lounge ] at [ 1624 California at Van Ness ] in lovely S.F. And all that’s requested of you is a wee $10 donation and an indie film-supporting frame of mind.
Aside from supporting a cool festival in an even cooler town, there are other obvious perks, like DJ Jesse Martinez and other special turntable guests, plus loft performances, short film screenings, cartoons, fest previews…and an open bar courtesy of Sierra Nevada, who make a very fine ale indeed.
If this party sounds like something you can lend your support to, or you’d like to know more about the San Francisco fest, then see the [ San Francisco Indie Fest site. ] Or, call them at [ (415) 820-3907 ] .