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By Rory L. Aronsky | January 20, 2004

Made in a hand-drawn style that could represent any number of bored high school students, but having manic energy that said students wouldn’t likely have, Chris Hinton tells the story of a fishing trip, and every single food, piss, and gas stop along the way.

It’s a bright, shining day for a household filled with a family ready to go fishing. The house literally spits out the car annnnnnnnnd…..THEY’RE OFF!! First comes a soda stop, then a donut stop, and more food stops along the way. The mystery for this short would be when exactly these people stop eating, but it’s quickly solved, because they don’t. One of the great spots of this animation is when the rear of the car is drinking up the gasoline poured into it, and showing teeth.

The fishing trip proves to be an eventful one and a laugh-out loud moment happens when the family speeds out through the water on their boat and a pack of mosquitoes gets wind of them and races toward them. A close-up on one of the mosquitoes shows it whipping out a fork and a knife and one of them even takes a chunk out of a person’s shoulder.

It’s all in good fun here, and while the expected dash to the can didn’t happen (you’d expect that after all that they chowed down), it’s a short that’s due for a couple of repeat viewings.

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