To protest the outrageously high price of movie tickets, DON’T see a movie this Friday July 13th. Just wait until Saturday. “We Can Do This” is an activist group who began an online campaign to get everyone to boycott movie theaters to send a message to Hollywood and theaters about overpriced movies. The organization sent FilmThreat.com a note which reads:
“Please tell all your friends and co-workers! ^ By collectively boycotting movie theatres for one day, we can send a clear united message to Hollywood that we shouldn’t have to spend $10 to see a movie. We can show the showbiz industry that we control our entertainment dollars, and we’re not going to remain seated for this kind of box office avarice. ^ Let’s work together to see some lower prices on the big screen. We Can Do This. ^ SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES–NOT!
IF you’d like more information, visit their web site We Can Do This.
And if you do decide to see a movie on Friday, just don’t let any of these guys catch you.