1915 is an important year for Armenians. It marks the first genocide of the 20th century, and the Armenians were on the receiving end of it at the hands of the Turkish. This film follows a group of Armenians from Canada as they travel back to what’s left of their homeland to recreate the deportation march their ancestors were forced to endure. Along the way they meet survivors of the genocide and hear accounts of what went on in during those frightful times. There is anger, bitterness, sorrow and disbelief, and viewers are witnesses to it all.
That genocide isn’t something people learn in high school here in
America. We learned about Hitler and a Sunday-morning appropriate version of what happened to the Native Americans, but we learned nothing of the Armenians. This film will hopefully inspire people to do a bit of research on their own, as it is a compelling documentary that shows a people who may have been decimated, but who have a spirit that will live on in those who won’t let the world forget.