It’s official. Robert Morgan is a genius. “Monsters” is his best work yet. Having moved from animation to live action has done nothing to mellow him out whatsoever. The imagery in this short is some of the most disturbing I’ve seen. It’s like a Clive Barker pencil drawing come to life.
“Monsters” is about the worst kind of sibling rivalry; between an older sister and her brother. But if you’re thinking this is some sort of funny short with wacky high jinks; you’re dead wrong. Also, if you have kids you’ll recognize one of the most realistic portrayals of them. These are not cute Hollywood brats in the least.
The entire 17 minute running time consists of a day and night in the life of two kids as they squabble. But don’t let that plain description lull you into thinking that this is anything other than the creepiest thing you’re ever likely to see.
To me Morgan is like the cinematic equivalent of Ramsey Campbell. In the sense that he can take what you’d expect to be the most mundane scene and imbue it with utter dread. He also possesses a limitless imagination; every time you think he can’t go anywhere with his material, he does something completely unexpected.
From the first frame to the last “Monsters” oozes with childhood fear. To watch it is to be taken back when you were five and everything seemed alive with danger and mystery. That he is able to just magically create this sort of mood out of thin air shows that he’s truly gifted.
What’s even better is that Robert Morgan is working on his first feature film. So I’m telling you right now that he is going to be huge. No if, ands or buts. He is going to be bigger than Burton. You just wait and see.