My Italian isn’t as good as it once was but “Episodio 1 Della Prima Serie Pulp Italiana” makes me think that Giuseppe Piva’s twenty-minute short is actually the beginning of a series which, based on this installment, will be gripping, disturbing, and worth watching. Packed full with disturbing, stomach-wrenching scenes and captivating acting, Men Rapist comes off as a non-supernatural American Horror Story.
The show focuses on a greasy-haired pornographer and a shop worker who abuses his wife. After their lives briefly cross, they both start being stalked by a beautiful woman intent on getting justice for the women they’ve wronged. Without giving anything away, by the end of this first episode, the scales would appear pretty level.
On its own, the episode leaves you wanting more. There are a lot of open, unanswered questions that will hopefully get some clarification in Episodes 2-??? This is exactly the type of show that demands more. If a second installment never gets made, that would be a shame.
Plot aside, Men Rapist succeeds on a technical level as well. The cinematography is sharp and the sound is crisp. Top-notch production all around. The opening shot alone is worth tracking down the video (well, you don’t really have to track it down. I’ll just give you a link).
See it for yourself. See Gianpiero Aceto and Massimo Barberi’s strong performances. See Piva’s careful shot execution. And see what is an appealing start to a worthwhile series.
This film was submitted for review through our Submission for Review system. If you have a film you’d like us to see, and we aren’t already looking into it on our own, you too can utilize this service.
Thank you for the review!
Very cool
Well, I am going to have to hunt this down.