Of course. Life is as it’s expected for us Americans. The Japanese get all the cool gadgets that we might have thought of first if too much leisure hadn’t gotten in the way and then the British go off and make the discovery that every Star Wars geek in the United States would have either gotten their rocks off over or impaled themselves with by accident: A real, working lightsaber, with the well-known sound effect as the crowning achievement.
The British scientist, Professor Barry Livingston (John Parsons) helped develop it for all practical purposes, including serving as “a knife that toasts bread as it slices.” Of course! Viable applications in the British households! It’s a nicely figured fantasy (and one of the great fanfilms) in the course of these three minutes in the guise of a news report and gives esteemed, stiff-upper-lip respect towards the most well known weaponry in the history of the movies. Even though scientists would do well to continue trying to solve the world’s problems, there ought to be a special group of them willing to see if this is ever possible, just for fun at any rate.