According to various printed sources, at least 1 out of every 4 adults has Herpes. That’s a pretty scary figure for single people hitting up the dating scene – and that is only one of the many STDs (that’s short for “sexually transmitted diseases” for those of you in the Bible belt) that can be passed on orally.
Now that you know this information, imagine yourself having to kiss 20 random strangers in New York City in one single day. What are the odds that you won’t end up with some magic bumps on your lips? For Lindsay Lohan’s character, Ashley, she has nothing to fear because she is in the magical world of cinema and we the audience are supposed to suspend our disbelief. Is this the kind of activity we would like to expose to our kids, allowing them to think this sort of activity is possible without any sort of repercussions? That’s just ludicrous.
Much like the rest of this film; a film as important and entertaining as Vice Versa was back in the eighties.
Ashley is a young and single New York City girl with a great apartment and a lucrative job with a public relations firm. Everything seems to be going her way until the day an unlucky stranger, Jake (Chris Pine), swaps saliva with her at a big record company party. From that moment on, Ashley’s luck takes a turn for the worst. Her high heels break, her dress rips, she gets her boss involved with a gigolo, it rains every time she walks outside, and she can no longer hail cabs as easily as she used to. This is the New York City we all know and love.
Jake is also involved in the entertainment industry – he is desperately trying to get a pop-punk band from England (called “The McFlys”) a record contract. These are the sorts of people young kids today look up to. When I was a teenager, the one thing I can be thankful for, was that my generation wasn’t bombarded with films (Just Friends or American Dreamz) and television shows (American Idol or America’s Next Top Model) trying to sell us the show business dream. Instead, we were exposed to Sega Genesis and turtles with ninja skills.
Just My Luck is the kind of film that’s too romantic for younger viewers and too redundant for young teens. For both sets, the laughs come infrequent (if at all), no thanks to Lohan giving another sub par performance, supported by an atrociously lackluster screenplay of the utmost clichéd romantic fashion.