The 18th Jerusalem Film Festival takes place 12th July – 21st July, 2001 and the April 15th, 2001 deadline is fast approaching. The Jerusalem Film Festival is Israel’s most prestigious cinema event. Housed in the Jerusalem Cinematheque, located outside the walls of the Old City, the gala opening is held under the stars in the Sultan’s Pool Amphitheatre with an audience of 6,000. Guests and members of the juries throughout the years include: Ang Lee, Kirk Douglas, Robert de Niro; Roberto Benigni, Alan Rudolph, Alan Arkin, Warren Beatty, Lillian Gish, Marcello Mastroianni, Maoenl de Oliveira, Henry Jaglom, Liv Ullmann, Mike Leigh, Alan Rickman, Roger Corman, Wim Wenders, Bob Hoskins, Chen Kaige, Jane Fonda, Atom Egoyan, Francesco Rosi, Jeanne Morreau. ^ Program categories include International Feature Films; Documentaries; Israeli film; Mediterranean Film; Human Rights; Jewish Experience; Short Films; Animation; Avant Garde; Special Tributes. Awards include Wolgin Awards for Israeli Cinema; Wim van Leer ‘In Spirit of Freedom’ – international; Jewish Experience – international Films previously screened or broadcasted in Israel are not eligible
Format: 35mm; 16mm; NTSC; PAL. Contact festival coordinator Judith Lungen ^ Tel: 972 2 671 5117 ^ Fax: 972 2 673 3076
Visit the official web site for the Jerusalem Film Festival or e-mail the fest.