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By Felix Vasquez Jr. | November 13, 2007

Jamie strips. Mostly.
Jamie looks like she’s feeling better.
The Glass Helmets.
What is “The Cause”?
Confusion looms.

Watch and be stupefied.

As for “The Green Helmets,” the band apparently doesn’t exist, but shortly after, a MySpace for them turned up which was obviously made in haste to coincide with the video. There is yet more cryptic clues in the band’s description that Cloverfield News shed light on:

“The Glass Helmets bring together many disparate elements of the global metal scene into a sound that is fierce, often grandiose, but still earnest. Their still unreleased LP, “”Hyperion and his disciples” is an album in the truest sense, with an often cryptic, but fairly clever narrative about physicists doing battle with the pantheon of greek gods in a dystopian future. While the arrangements could sometimes be called overcomplicated for the sake of showing their ability to count past 4, they often create a symphonic, apocalyptic space that is joyous and terrifying to visit. More at home in the company of 80’s scandinavian metal rather than many contemporary death metal bands, TGH intensity and cinematic quality will probably inspire more than a few teenage role-playing gamers to start bands of their own.” – St. John Scott / L.A. Audio Insider 

Meanwhile, I will not be seeing “Beowulf” this weekend, but I will be eagerly awaiting the supposed second trailer allegedly premiering before the film if and when it premieres online. And yes, I’ll be posting it on the blogs, or persuade our editor Mark to run it on the front page.

There will also be more theories and thoughts from yours truly when said trailer is viewed by me.

Anyone who sees “Beowulf” and has viewed the trailer, feel free to comment on the blogs with your thoughts.

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  1. […] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerpt Jamie strips. Mostly. Jamie looks like she’s feeling better. The Glass Helmets. What is “The Cause”? Confusion looms. Watch and be stupefied. As for “The Green Helmets,” the band apparently doesn’t exist, but shortly after, a MySpace for them turned up which was obviously made in haste to coincide with the video. There is yet more cryptic clues in the band’s description that Cloverfield News shed light on: “The Glass Helmets bring together many disparate elements of the global metal sc […]

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