We have a brand new site to add to the investigation.
It’s a new site discovered a few days ago, that’s once again told us nothing in regards to 1-18-08.
As has been suspected for months, this page seems to be intent on providing characterization as the MySpace pages have, since the movie will indeed be seen through the lens of a hand held camcorder leaving little time for character focus, since the giant monster/s will be roaming New York.
The password is:
And it sets down on a confessional video with Jamie Llascano, who basically gives nothing really interesting away beyond complaining about an infection in her bladder. Many are suspecting it’s a hint to the possible parasitic abilities of the monster, but I think it may serve as a plot device during a time of fleeing and tension.
As for any new information, “Resident Evil: Extinction” is rumored to have another trailer in front of it which will likely have a better coherency and explain to some degree the monster’s carnage and its possible ability to spread some sort of parasite or enzyme. It’s all rumors up until “Resident Evil: Extinction.”
Wicked s**t.
May also lend some credence to folks who swear they saw a monster of some kind during the Statue of Liberty’s head being launched into the street.
yeah, the trailer follows rob and his friends right after the attack and the head of the statue of liberty. They get quarantined by some army officers into this weird makeshift hospital where one of the girls in rob’s group starts complaining about her stomach and everyone starts to yell “she has been bitten, she is infected”.