Famed scientist Nikola Tesla spent some time in Colorado Springs experimenting when 1899 rolled over into 1900, and Lance Acord (“Being John Malkovich”) has crafted an indie tribute to the stories surrounding this window. A bit of Tesla history, from the incredible film site:
“One of the most important inventions credited to his Colorado research was the electrical transmitter. Shortly after his return to New York, Tesla began construction of an enormous version of this invention, to be known as The Wardenclyffe Tower. Looming 187 ft into the air, with a 55 ton, 68 ft metal dome, the tower was to transmit wireless messages across the Atlantic and, as he had told his financier J.P. Morgan, provide free energy to the entire globe.”
For more on Tesla’s work, exclusive stills and script excerpts from “Tesla” the film, and full cast and crew biographies, take a look at the [ official film site. ]