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By Chris Gore | April 13, 2002

An extreme close-up of a woman squirting painful tears opens the hysterically moving romantic comedy, “I Shout Love,” a short film from actress Sarah Polley.
Tess can’t bear the thought of her boyfriend leaving. She threatens suicide and asks for just one more night together. Bobby agrees, slightly apprehensive about what she may have in store for him. Tess does indeed have a plan – to make a video of the two of them based on a checklist. Tess, against Bob’s objections, reenacts those simple moments from their relationship for the camera – reading the paper together (which includes arguing about politics), getting in a fight while painting, looking at old pictures, an intense tickle session and watching the Maple Leafs lose. (Big points for including the NHL in a short film! Director Polley is a true Canadian.)
If this all sounds a little too sugary sweet, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s all in the execution and the performances of the two leads, especially the actress who plays Tess, is massively layered while being laugh out loud funny. Tess is intense, a little weird, unpredictable, passionate and a nutcase – the kind of girl you fall in love with.
Written and directed by Canadian actress Sarah Polley, based on this stellar short, she might consider changing careers.

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