Here’s the case of another filmmaker who seems to have been dwelling within the world of Shinya Tsukamoto way too long; a world where flesh, gizmos, blood and wires mesh together to create…well, a mess. Thing is, Tsukamoto’s films are more interesting to watch. Good thing about “How To Extract Cranial Fluids”, however is that it’s mercifully short.
A bald-headed bozo with a painted on handlebar moustache, industrial safety goggles and a messy garage decides to dig around in the living head of a woman. As the bozo pokes, prods, scrapes, cuts and saws away at the head, plenty of gore is supplied for gore fiends to jack off to. If black and white messy gore is your cup of tea, then “How To Extract Cranial Fluids” will be a nice little tidbit for you to chew on.