The bathrooms, lamp posts, and walls of Park City will never be the same, thanks to the mind-expanding message of the Guerrilla Girls. Their stickers are showing up all over the festival circuit, and here’re a few of their choice messages:
Hollywood is cool, edgy and ahead of its time, right? Nah. Even THE U.S. SENATE IS MORE PROGRESSIVE THAN HOLLYWOOD! The Senate is 9% female, but only 4% of the top-grossing 100 films last year were directed by women.
While most of you are at Sundance hoping to discover the latest white-boy genius, occupants of bathroom stalls in Park City are discovering the THE ANATOMICALLY CORRECT OSCAR, altered to more closely resemble the white males who take him home each year. No woman has ever won an Oscar for Direction, Cinematography or Sound, and 94% of the writing awards have gone to men.
These smart stickers are a must-see, and they’re generating huge buzz in Park City. Visit [ the Guerrilla Girls sticker site ] and learn a few shady industry facts.