It’s only been six months since the first, and last, entry into my weekly blog column began, so I’m hoping this is the beginning of something special. And just like that, I sound like every other blogger never to be consistent. That said, let’s get to it:
Family Sues Little League, Sports Authority and Louisville Slugger!
Source: Yahoo
I know, it’s bad enough I haven’t worked on this column in months, but I’m leading off with a story that’s not even film-related? What the Hell, man?
Sorry, when I read this piece in Yahoo, I was too moved not to write anything. The short of it is this: a 12 year old pitcher (now 14) got hit in the chest by a line drive. The shot hit him right between heart beats, and stopped his heart. By the time he was revived by paramedics, his brain had been without oxygen for about 15 minutes and he now has brain damage, to the point where he can barely speak or do much of anything. For the record, this is ridiculously tragic. No parent should have to go through something like this, and no child should have to worry about playing a game and becoming brain damaged (Hell, it was enough worrying about getting beaned by a crappy pitcher when at-bat). All that said…
The family is bringing a lawsuit against Louisville Slugger, for creating the aluminum bat that was used to hit the ball that hit the kid, citing Louisville Slugger’s fore-knowledge that aluminum bats are more dangerous than wooden ones.
OK, I understand how angry the family is that something so tragic could occur, but suing the maker of the bat? Why not sue the kid who swung the bat? Why not sue your son for pitching the ball?
On top of that, they’re suing Little League for allowing the use of aluminum bats, and they’re suing The Sports Authority for selling the bats.
COME ON, PEOPLE! First off, if there was conclusive proof that aluminum was more dangerous than wood, I doubt Little League would be endangering children everywhere. The fact is, sports are dangerous; My brother is a walking example of a human who used his face to bunt once. Does a hockey player that can’t walk due to too many concussions sue the ice their head bounced off of so many times? I, and many, MANY other kids, played Little League with aluminum bats. I’ve also played with wooden bats and I’ve learned this: it doesn’t matter whether it’s aluminum or wood, if you get hit with a line drive it’s going to do damage.
And suing the store that sold the bat? What happened was a TRAGIC ACCIDENT. There’s no danger conspiracy here; Little League, Louisville Slugger and The Sports Authority are not teaming up to kill, maim or injure children.
There is nothing that will undo what happened, and my heart goes out to the kid and his family, but this is not the way to handle things. There’s no justice to be had here, no crusade to be won. They need to focus on taking care of their child, not bringing a lawsuit that will serve no one any good.
I’m curious as to everyone else’s thoughts here: am I being too harsh? Am I missing something? Isn’t this how we get warnings on matches that they’re flammable?
I’m Happy You Saw Indy IV, Now Shut Up!
I know the majority of the press has seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. To coincide with the Cannes premiere, the film was given press screenings throughout Sunday all over the world. I did not attend any of these screenings. I will see the film when it hits theaters this week, like the majority of the world and, therefore, I’d love it if folks would stop dropping tidbits about a film I’ve done a pretty amazing job staying spoiler-free on.
I understand the game we play, I know it’s all about being the one with the story and telling it before everyone else but… where’s the mystery? The bulk of film coverage on the internet is dedicated to either speculating to death about films that have not been seen or spoiling movies that have been seen. In the case of Indy, I’ve gotten spoiler-heavy email subjects, even had my Twitter briefly assaulted with spoiler bits and… I and the rest of the world see it in a couple days. Until then, please shut the f**k up!
Oh, and I’m not aiming this at Vonder Haar, who was the only one who gave me his opinion of the film without spoiling anything. Hell, the trailer gave more away than Pete did, and THAT I respect.
Apparently someone did administer CPR almost immediately (90 seconds later), and then paramedics, who were only a quarter of a mile away at a CPR demonstration (go figure), got there and put an oxygen mask on him. By the time he got to the hospital, his brain had been deprived of oxygen for about 15 minutes which… yeah, none of that seems to add up, but that’s what the Yahoo story reports.
I too think it probably about future care and cost. However, one question bothers me…..why 20 minutes without oxygen…did no one out there on the field know CPR? Where are all the good Samaritans…what about a coach…shouldn’t they know CPR, shouldn’t the league make sure someone knows CPR?
Very much agreed.
I did think about that, and that makes sense if they have any real chance of winning, but they’re going up against two corporations and an American institution with nothing but a tragic story on their side. On top of that, lawsuits are not cheap. The amount of money they will spend on lawyers, court time, filing… they should be focusing that cash on their child, not court.
Also Mark, it’s entirely possible the family is suing because they can’t afford the bills to care for and maintain their son, now mentally disabled. I’m not saying it’s right or honest, but it’s possible.
I will most likely not see the film. However, I don’t believe it’s right for critics or bloggers to spoil the film for others regardless of whether they enjoyed it or not. That kind of writing is just mean-spirited and nasty.
That’s like my family being killed by a drunk driver and suing the makers of Ford. Stupidity.
As for “Crystal Skull,” thanks for the warning Mark. I’ll stay AWAY from my usual movie blog roll.
Perfectly sensible words Mark. The problem is that everyone wants to live in a pain-free/risk-free world and it’s just not possible. People have been fooled into believing that just because we have cellphones and crap, that we now live in a world where nothing “bad” can happen and are shocked when they find out that this isn’t true. It’s ridiculous. Life is hard, s**t happens that shouldn’t. Sometimes it’s just bad luck and no one’s fault.
On the subject of the new Indianna Jones film, I kind of have guessed a few of the elements. Especially because of the year the film takes place in and because I knew a bit about crystal skulls beforehand. Still, I’m excited. Great review btw Pete.
The best parts, most of them anyway, weren’t in the trailers. and I was so jazzed by them I’d fell like King A*****e if I spoiled them for anybody else.
That said, I’ve glanced at a few blog entries and articles about the premiere, and man do they give away a lot of s**t. It’s probably too late now, but I’d avoid movie sites for the next four days.
Except this one, of course.