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By Morgan Miller | August 30, 2000

There is certain simplicity in flying a kite. The primary satisfaction is to watch it float on the air, letting it go as far as it can, and then be able to hold it there.
Mike Pniewski plays a middle-aged businessman; he’s lost his connection to the simple things in life. Strolling through the park, he cynically chews on his hot dog, as he gazes at the masses. People play frisbee, slide on rollerblades, run and frolic. He remains unimpressed. And then he sees the Pteranodan.
A young girl (Anna Bellury) happily flies her kite, shaped as a Pterandon, across the Atlanta skyline. Somehow, this simple little event changes the businessman’s outlook on life. He begins to see things from a younger, joyful, more naive point of view, and decides to fly a kite of his own.
While being sappy and sentimental, Diana Cardea’s “Flight of the Pteranodon” remains an enjoyable little fable. In the end, it becomes little more than a showcase for Nikki Sak’s schmaltzy upbeat musical score. The film, like its subject material, definitely prides itself on its simplicity.

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