The Filmjunkie Underground Film Festival is gearing up to take down mediocre moviedom with their anticipated gathering, which will begin on [ February 2nd ] and close up shop on [ February 4th, 2001 ] . Along with eight choice cuts of feature film finery, the Festival will also screen 20 short films over the course of the three day event.
Say the folk of Filmjunkie:
“Filmjunkie isn’t the typical marriage of film and the Internet. We laugh at Internet film sites that think they need $35 million to operate over the next two years. We’re dedicated, lean, and ready to show the world that filmmaking is about love and creativity, not the big business and fat and greedy capitalists.
The Festival will take place at both the historic [ Victoria Theater ] on 16th & Mission and [ Studio Z ] , an art gallery and large screening room on Mason and Market. For the full schedule, all ticket information and much more, check out the [ Filmjunkie site. ]