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By Mark Bell | May 7, 2007

Welcome to the latest Film Threat Hate Mail Blog Entry! While Hate Mail is nothing new to Film Threat, finding its roots in the letters section of the original print magazine and residing as its own section in Back Talk, here at the Film Threat Blogs it is a rarity.

The bulk of our daily email correspondence deals with folks wanting to get reviews for their films, wondering when their films will get reviewed and wondering how to speed up the process of the former topics. Seldom, nowadays, do we get legitimate Hate Mail. That has changed, however, as the ever-popular Film Threat founder Chris Gore went on the Reelz Channel over last week and his choice of warddrobe brought out a single hater. So here you go, the latest greatest Hate Mail to Film Threat:

From: Mike Duffy

YOU SUCK!!! Going on REELZ and wearing a Shirt make movies not War Hey a*****e they attacked us…… YOU must not have lost anyone in 911 YOU ARE a real jerk…. and hope you burn in hell where you should be…………..You liberals are such fools, you blame the present adminestration for “making war” news flash moron we were are defending ourselves, why don’t you go on the view with that other idiot Rosie, another twisted sick degenerate that hates America, shut up or stand a post!

There’s so much wrong with this letter I don’t know where to start. Um, one, Iraq DIDN’T attack us on 9/11/01 (as opposed to, say, 911 as stated above), so I still don’t know why we continue to use that as a rallying cry for our War in Iraq. Our War in Iraq was a pre-emptive strike based on the maybe possibility that someday there might be weapons of mass destruction to worry about. We’re how many years in and still no WMDs? How can we be defending ourselves from a country that had little to no resources to actually attack us?

Two… why does peace suck? I know many friends and family fighting and I would prefer it if they weren’t at war getting shot at. I would prefer they were home making movies instead of war. I want them to be safe. I want there to be peace. I don’t think Chris is doing a dis-service to anyone in hoping for peace over war.

And three, the whole shut up or stand a post thing… so no one can have an opinion unless they’re fighting!?! Okay, then the President, Congress, etc. should shut their mouths, because last I checked Cheney isn’t riding shotgun in a tank in Iraq.

There you have it, the fresh crop of Hate, for you to read and enjoy. Comment below if the feeling moves you, (let the political debate begin) and you can always send your own Hate Mail through our Support form.

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  1. Mark Bell says:

    If we actually got Hate Mail on a regular basis, it would be a regular feature. But, you know, we gets love. Lots of love. Not so much on the hating…

  2. Michael Ferraro says:

    How you don’t spread the love?

  3. DonLewis says:

    Screw you Ferraro…you SUCK!!!

    There ya go champ!

  4. Felix Vasquez Jr. says:

    I’m surprised this hasn’t become a regular feature.

    This is a funny attention grabber.

  5. Michael Ferraro says:

    We need more hate mail! Personal attacks and all that… Hate mail rules.

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