When you’ve got a project by Film Threat founder Chris Gore floating around out there, you remove the “in Progress” from “Film Threat in Progress” and give the man your full support. Gore is, and forever will be, the original Film Threat, and any creative endeavor of his is worth an extra look, which brings us to his IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign for FetishVIL.
As explained on the IndieGoGo campaign page:
“FetishVIL is a satirical animated comedy series made for adults that unfolds like an episodic TV series… but the story is told using puppet animation. FetishVIL will be funny, surprisingly sexy and strangely moving. The characters will come to life using the voice talents of comedians and some of the hottest girls on Twitter. Each episode will be just a few minutes in length, with the entire first season’s story lasting around 30 minutes.
Think of it as Robot Chicken with sex.
The story takes place at a lavish dungeon known only as FetishVIL. Celebrities, rock stars and world leaders travel to this hidden dungeon to have their desires fulfilled with the guarantee of the utmost discretion. When a gorgeous new girl enters the picture, she must work hard to gain the trust and respect of her peers. Her journey is where FetishVIL begins…”
If you’ve got even a shred of imagination, you can come up with some pretty amazing possibilities for a show that utilizes dolls to satirize celebrities in a fetish-friendly dungeon. And one of the best parts of this entire campaign? If you pledge, you could be one of those dolls!
While a $250 pledge will get you a FetishVIL figure, which is cool in and of itself, a $1,000 pledge gets you a figure MADE IN YOUR OWN LIKENESS. A $2,500 pledge and your figure will be used in the first season itself. Little mini-FetishVIL-You could be spanking some leather-wrapped celebrity, historically captured in FetishVIL Season One!
If those pledges are too rich for your blood, though (or you’d rather just enjoy the show, not actively participate in it), other rewards include t-shirts, exclusive-to-IndieGoGo-contributors Season One DVDs, autographed photos and even props from the show. There’s a little something for everyone at FetishVIL.
The FetishVIL IndieGoGo campaign wraps up on December 9, 2011, so time is running out to stake your claim in FetishVIL. Make animated fetish doll history!
If you’d like to know more about FetishVIL, head over to the FetishVIL IndieGoGo page, give the project’s Facebook page a “Like” or share and follow along with Twitter!
Want to see your crowdfunding project featured on Film Threat? Submit your project information for consideration or skip the middleman entirely and go with a Crowdfunding Classifieds Advertisement.
DISCLAIMER: Donating or investing in a film or film-related project is always a risky endeavor, so it is important to keep that in mind before deciding to get financially involved with any film project. Film Threat, FilmThreat.com and our parent company, Hamster Stampede, LLC hold no liability or responsibility regarding any of the projects showcased on our site, their content or performance or the content or performance of any of the sites linked to in this article. Our involvement with the featured project is strictly what you see here: we find a work-in-progress project that sounds interesting to us, we ask all the questions we’d like to know the answers to and then we share that information with you, the audience. This should not be considered as personalized investment advice. What happens after you read this is your decision, and, again, before parting with any money for any film, think it through and BE CAREFUL.
Yeah. Right. Seriously? My God.