Art imitates life imitates art, and both are real if you deem them so. And so it goes…
James Bird’s poignant new film, Eat Spirit Eat, is the story of Oliver, and his lifelong goal to help the father who abandoned him (a failed actor named Dwight Snow) recapture his dreams, and return to his son. To make his very ambitious quest a reality, Oliver enlists the aid of his fellow orphans from their old foster home. United, they all set out to make a memorable movie, and cast Dwight in the lead. The only problem is that Oliver has absolutely no filmmaking experience…
Eat Spirit Eat is so much more than the dramatic comedy it proclaims. It’s a highly intelligent, well-crafted marvel that brilliantly deconstructs the art of filmmaking to its core. Not surprisingly, the movie begins with its ending, much like its clever title, and the film and the life within its structure, pretty much write themselves.
Bird (who also portrays Bernie Oxhart in the film) is an inventive director who not only creates the magic glue that binds his film together, but he also compels us to believe so wholeheartedly in his cinematic illusion, that we eventually see its truth.
As for any flaws in James Bird’s movie, I sought as many as I could, and found not even one.
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