Aspiring filmmakers now have a chance to springboard their careers through the Doorpost Film Project, a new contest that will offer monetary awards totaling $300,000 to a fresh wave of talent who produce compelling short films.
The inaugural contest, which has two competitive rounds culminating with a Film Festival in Nashville, Tennessee in September 2008, provides a grand prize totaling $100,000 and second and third place awards for $30,000 and $20,000 respectively. Interested filmmakers may register online at www.thedoorpost.com; early registration closes April 1. Filmmakers may then upload their submitted films between February 1 and May 1. During the first round, each submitted film goes through a two-level judging process: online viewers and a panel of prominent film industry professionals. A group of 15 finalists from round one will each be provided $10,000 to compete in the second round of the contest which begins in June 2008.
The Doorpost Film Project is aimed at discovering and developing filmmakers capable of producing films that inspire and influence, rather than simply entertain. The Doorpost invites hopeful filmmakers to tackle topics of love, greed, redemption, pain, forgiveness, freedom or energy in a non-genre specific short (under five minutes), accepted in any format. The $100,000 award will be given to the entrant who demonstrates unique promise as the most captivating, contemplative and visionary filmmaker of the future.
“In today’s computer-enhanced, action-oriented blockbuster age, we are committed to nurturing and rewarding the innovative minds devoted to creating meaningful, substantive films,” said Christie Brinson, director of communications. “Our goal is to successfully locate, honor and equip these promising filmmakers with the money and resources to pursue their talents in the professional filmmaking arena.”
Following the first round of the contest, on June 2, the 15 highest-scoring finalists will be notified and subsequently given $10,000 to produce a final-round short film, (8-15 minutes) based on a designated topic, with an August 15th deadline. The finalists’ bios and films will debut between August 17 and 31, with final round voting to occur September 1-10. The Film Project will culminate with the Festival in Nashville, Tenn. September 10-13 with a showing of the selected films, awards presentation and a training symposium designed to initiate dialog among filmmakers, industry professionals and investment managers interested in further funding, production and distribution of the films.
In addition to the $100,000 grand prize, the first place winner also receives scheduled private meetings in Los Angeles with development studios for prospective film deals. Each of the 15 finalists will receive a written critique of their film by the jurist panel.