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By Chris Gore | April 19, 1999

[ WHAT’S YOUR BIO? ] ^ I was born in Havana and moved to the US in ’83. Love=Me3 is my feature debut. Prior, I directed several short films, commercials, music videos and plays. As an actor I’ve appeared in All My Children, Guiding Light, and Law and Order, among others. ^
[ WHAT’S YOUR STORY? ] ^ Love=Me3 is actually based on my own experience of being in a three-way relationship. It’s a romantic comedy in which three people, one man and two women, fall deeply in love with each other and try to lead a normal life. From the bedroom to vying for bathroom time, the ups and downs of their relationship is explored. Naysayers and their own insecurities threaten their relationship on a daily basis, but they are steadfast in their belief that their romantic intentions are based on love, and not just a kinky diversion. ^
[ WHAT DREW YOU TO THE SUBJECT? ] ^ The bottom line, the message for this entire film is TOLERANCE. I’m big on that. ^
[ BUDGET? ] ^ A budget–what’s that? ^
[ DID YOU SACRIFICE ANYTHING BECAUSE OF THE BUDGET? ] ^ Yes, most definitely. When you are working with such limited resources the entire project is a sacrifice. But the amazing beauty of working at this level is that along with all the sacrifices comes a tremendous sense of freedom. Yes, you are very limited to the choices you can make, but the ones you do make are entirely yours. ^
[ WHAT WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE MAKING THE FILM? ] ^ It was a great experience. I was amazed at how wonderful the crew was. No one has ever been blessed with a better group of individuals then I was on this set. One of the best experiences was getting to meet all of them and seeing them come together. I mean this crew often opted to forgo lunch or breaks in order to get the shot. Amazing! ^
[ DID YOU HAVE ANY CRAZY SET ADVENTURES? ] ^ Too numerous to mention in a single interview–but I will tell you this one. We shot on April 1st and we were setting up for a very difficult shot, a one time deal type of shot. We got through it and I think that we got it. Suddenly my DP, Tony Morales, starts telling me that something’s wrong and the entire crew starts bugging out. Tony tells me that the camera jammed and I can’ believe it! It’s all I can do to contain myself, and I say “It’s okay, we’ll just have to find a way to do it again,” but I’m dying inside. Then the entire crew chimed in with “APRIL FOOLS,” and totally got me. My script supervisor, Jessica Ward, put them all up to it. That girl was always pulling one joke or another. All in all we all joked a lot. It was a really fun crew. ^
[ WHY DID YOU DO IT? ] ^ I wanted to make a film that would be a visual poem for anyone who has ever dared to be different. ^
[ ANY ADVICE? ] ^ Yeah, no matter what anyone says, always do your own thing. ^
[ WHAT NEXT? ] ^ I have three other scripts that I’ve written that I’m very happy with. I don’t know which one I’ll shoot next. My producer, Greg Huge, has also discussed another project with me, and knowing him I’m sure that it’s an excellent script.
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