What a concept, a film entirely acted out by blow up sex dolls. Deep Africa follows the story of two Hollywood models and a familiar extraterrestrial living with them. Call it ridiculous, off the wall or even sick, but this film’s an absolute riot. Plus, there are no worries about bad acting here. After a few minutes you get over the whole sex doll thing and actually get into what’s going on in the story. Does that make me sick, hell yes.
Summer and Candy are two girls trying to make it as model/actresses in Hollywood. Summer’s a no-nonsense black blow up doll that really likes aliens. After roommate Candy finds an ad for ordering aliens from Africa, they order one. To help expedite their order, the two send sexy Polaroids to the African hunter who masturbates to them using a rubber fish. Again, remember these are all sex dolls. When the alien arrives, it’s non other than E.T. the extraterrestrial. Summer’s a bit disappointed because he’s not the typical alien she’s used to reading about, plus he’s ugly. Summer immediately takes a dislike to him, calling him “f**k face” and beating him when he craps on the rug. She also tries to ween him off candy by hitting his fingers with a hammer whenever he tries to grab some. After interrupting Summer having sex with her agent on the couch, E.T. is forced to spend much of his time in a cage. When Summer goes away for a modeling shoot, Candy’s left alone with the alien. While she’s in bed suffering from cramps, E.T. escapes from his cage. Using his healing finger to stop her period, he proceeds to stick his well endowed alien penis inside of her in a lengthy, multi-positioned sex scene. Could this mean a pregnancy for Candy from the naughty alien? Perhaps a sequel will follow.
To say this film is one of the funniest and sickest things ever seen would be an under statement. The sex scenes are hardcore with anatomically correct sex dolls, so it’s definitely not for modest viewers. I think the filmmaker’s are onto something here. The film’s got a more interesting story line and better acting than most porn films. On the filmmaker’s web site there’s a series of films, all starring blow up dolls, available for order.
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