The good news: Got in to OKC on schedule and without hassle, where old friend/occasional actor/newly professional DJ Ray picked me up. Got to my hotel and checked in without a problem, and have already scoped out half a dozen bars within walking distance.
The bad news: Somewhere over north Texas (I blame Dallas for everything) something went wonky in my wireless connection, so I am forced to write this from the spacious Business Center of the Colcord Hotel. It’ll do for now, but I’m working on getting the situation sorted out.
And I need to post pics…the hotel room they put me up in is magnifique.
Opening party and opening movie tonight. Then I am apparently supposed to join some people for a rousing evening of music and 3.2 beer.*
More later. Oh, and Mark: could we get a “2007 DeadCenter Film Festival” category?
*Seriously, Oklahoma? You and Utah need to get your s**t together.
Hey Wayne…we’re in Oklahoma…uhh…giddy up…
But seriously, if there was a way to print the text messaging that has been me and Mark screwing with Pete about the fine points of Vegas (a bucket of Coors Light by the pool with girls we have no right being near-vs-steer tipping and natural light) and me and Mark baiting Mike about…being home….we’d have the next generation of classic TV. Or something.