As of this writing, the crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo has about 90 hours left to go. 90 hours left, and roughly 93% of our goal left to raise. That means we need to average more than $300/hr to reach our goal. Pretty insane, right? Well, might as well take the insanity all the way…
Raising $28,000 over the course of a little under four days has to be a new crowdfunding record, and if not, it’ll certainly be the biggest last-week comeback, so let’s go for the history books. Let’s be one of those campaigns that other crowdfunders, when they’ve lost all hope for their own campaigns, remember and go, “Hell, if Film Threat can do it.” If every person who reads this, or tweets about it, put in just $5… we’re there. We’ve done it. We can do it. Be a hero, do something crazy, MAKE HISTORY.
Starting tonight, Monday, June 27, 2011 at 11:59pm PST, I’m launching a Support the Return of Film Threat Magazine 72-Hour Tweetathon. Those 72 hours will take us right up to the campaign’s end, and I’ll be awake the whole time, tweeting and, when I’m at my computer and not tweeting from the iPhone, I’ll also be live via Stickam (which will also be embedded here and on the official Tweetathon page). I won’t be on camera the entire time, mainly because I’ll need to use the restroom, and have a doctor’s appointment Thursday morning, but Twitter and I will always be together.
If you want to show support for the campaign, you’re always welcome to pledge at IndieGoGo, or spread the word to others that the campaign is winding down and we need support. Just follow @FilmThreat on Twitter, use the hashtag #SupportFTMag in your messages, or retweet and share the tweets about the campaign.
72 hours is a long time, and I’ll be a captive audience, so if you’ve got a film online that you’d like immediate and direct feedback on (I’d suggest getting to me early; don’t think you want my feedback when I’m drooling around hour 65), questions about film festivals, film writing or anything else you’d like to throw my way, I’ll be there. Or in the bathroom. Or at the doctor’s. Always on Twitter.