Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Princess Leia (Deborah Abbott) complains, whines, b*****s, and claims to know all that makes Han Solo less than the real man she’d like to date, all while looking like she’s been caught in the vortex of a sparkly-looking art film. There’s nothing arty about it, and in fact, the visual effects only serve as a distraction, as if trying to give something else to those already annoyed after the first few seconds of Leia’s complaints. So Han swaggers, he’s into the Millenium Falcon, doesn’t mind a Wookie as a co-pilot, and shoots off his gun, as Leia tries to sweetly say.
But he’s everyone’s Han Solo. A man’s gotta live his own way, the way he wants. If this was the Leia that Han found in his adventures in the universe, then a trip through hyperspace without her would be all the better.