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By Felix Vasquez Jr. | November 15, 2007

A Cloverfield junkie who prefers to remain anonymous emailed me today giving a Youtube link to the new Cloverfield trailer.

While their gesture is very appreciated this new trailer’s quality is so awful I could barely make out what was happening. Look for it if you can, I’m guessing right now Paramount is scouting a thousand file sharing websites putting the kibosh on this bootleg.

However, it’s clear that by this new one JJ Abrams is intent on destroying the rumors, and yet still remains insistent on keeping the mystery of the movie and the monster.

Yes, there is one monster.

Yes, there are little monsters doing the dirty work while the huge monster wreaks havoc.

If you watch it closely, you can see someone being attacked, you can make out the shadow of a beast behind a white sheet, and there are only brief glimpses at the gigantic monster supposedly between two buildings.

Further answers will have to wait until it goes live next week, but that’s not stopping the Cloverfield junkies who are already picking the bootlegged trailer apart.

It’s chaotic, it’s horrifying, and you can hear characters screaming, “There’s Nothing We Can Do For You,” “Whatever it is it’s winning,” and of course the obvious declarations of “Run!” The premise is pretty much drawn out in this second one more specifically than the first.

Monster appears from nowhere, wreaks utter havoc on New York, and different characters will carry a camcorder around to film it on the intent that people will want to see what went down, as a character proclaims.

So far though, “Cloverfield” looks spectacular, and if it’s great, I can see myself going to experience it more than once.

As for the Jamie Loves Teddy video, I’m beginning to assume the videos may have taken place AFTER the monster attacks which would be why Jamie mentions “The Cause.”

Monday if and when the trailer goes live, I’ll definitely explain more about what I saw, and may even put some screengrabs up.

Personally, I’m psyched.

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  1. Drew88101 says:

    The 2nd trailer was interesting to say the least. ONCE again leading towards more questions than answers. When you first see it you are trying to look at EVERYTHING and more than likely miss something. I didn’t notice any outline of the monster. BUT if you watch you see a shadow of something (it looks like it’s biting some human) and judging from the shadow it looks VERY much like the little creatures that is in that fan art of what the monster MIGHT look like that is floating around the internet. I’m ready for it to go live so i watch it and hope that the viral sites update more often than not now.

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