Fresh from its appearance at the Sundance Film Festival, “B.C. Bodyslams” makes its Canadian theatrical debut at the Blinding Light in Vancouver, October 25-27. The film documents one summer in the lives of Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling stars Moondog Manson, Barbara Republic and Gorgeous Michelle Starr. ECCW wrestler and filmmaker Dirty Dan Denton followed his fellow grapplers on tour as they entertained crowds around the province.
The film goes beyond the bodyslams and takes a real look at the lives of the men and women who grunt and groan for a living, dealing with the personal issues that drive them in a seemingly insane business.
Also showing is something called “A Ring-a-Ding-Dong Dandy,” a grab-bag collection of bizarre, gory, and hypersexual wrestling clips, including mud wrestling, Japanese death matches, lucha libre, Mexican wrestling films, Homoerotic Mexican Grab-A*s Wrestling, Andy Kaufman, Gorgeous George, bad wrestling gimmicks, Super 8 footage of live matches, backyard wrestling, chair wrestling, music videos and more!
For more information, visit the Blinding Light website.