To start things off, here is the infamous red carpet interview wherein Rainn Wilson first shuns and shrugs off my initial handshake, and then eventually answers the one question we’ve all had in our heads since hearing about “The Rocker.”

Chris Gore rocking the CineVegas 10th Anniversary visor.

A picture of someone taking a picture of Bijou Phillips’ butt during her performance at the “Dark Streets” charity party.
The opening of “Planting the Seeds,” as recorded by IndieWire’s Eric Kohn. No pooping in this intro, though.
The floating head after-performance at the Wynn Casino’s Lake of Dreams, as captured by Eric Kohn. If you listen carefully, you can hear me comment on the need for tabs of acid…

Happy Hour tables in the HQ often looked like this mix of drink, sponsor products and gear.

The fest is quite often a haze, and this picture of me taken by Jamie Tipps proves it.
JUST ADDED! Trevor Groth emailed me this little bit of video, which I think sums up exactly how you feel when CineVegas ends. Lord knows my flight back to Los Angeles, while only 45 minutes, felt like 5 minutes because I was awake for takeoff and landing… and that’s it!
The wrap-up concludes with a listing of all the CineVegas reviews and blog entries currently available on the site in Part Three of Bruised and Battered: 2008 CineVegas Film Festival Wrap-Up>>>