A highlight of my life, period, would be seeing a Public Enemy show. Seeing one up close and personal in a small club, even better. Hanging out in my hotel room while Chuck D talks… life does not get any better than that.
Earlier in the evening, I met Jeff from Reelz Channel. He’s been reporting on the festival for the online side of Reelz, and he was in the Guitar Hero lounge when I was doing some GH shredding while waiting for the evening to get going. As Jeff and I talked and hung out, he mentioned that he was supposed to interview Chuck D prior to the Public Enemy concert at the Ghostbar. Cool, right? Well, the interview got delayed and delayed, and Jeff and I found ourselves at the Ghostbar, drinking and making merry, with all thoughts of an interview gone. Still, Gina (festival publicist) was not to be defeated, and as we watched Chuck D and Public Enemy perform on stage, she vowed that Jeff would get his interview. Where do I come in? I had the hotel room where the interview could take place.
So that’s how Chuck D, Versatile, Jeff and Gina all came to be in my hotel room at 2am. Chuck was tired, but he was a brilliant interview nonetheless, and I got in a question or two (though I was mostly there as a friendly assist to Jeff). Pictures were taken, the evening was much more of an adventure than I’ve portrayed it (because I am tired and it is late), but my life is in a pretty great place. Saw Public Enemy perform, and Chuck D was in my hotel room… wow…

Tomorrow brings movies movies movies. Can’t wait. For a second year fest, again, AFI Dallas is delivering hardcore. The after-hours fun is one thing, but the programming slate is solid too so… good things for this young fest…
F*****g Chuck D… awesome…
[quicktime width=”320″ height=”240″]https://www.filmthreat.com/video/publicenemy01sm.mov[/quicktime]