It’s a given. Most “actresses” working in B-movies today are tall, silicone-enhanced, talent-challenged amazons. These ladies are mainly required to have simulated sex — and, as you might suspect, the results are less than steamy. Needless to say, their skills as thespians are sorely lacking, and the films they appear in are pointless, boring and anything but sexy.
Kira Reed doesn’t fit any of these stereotypes. The naturally curvaceous 5’3″ brunette is a fiery performer in tawdry sex scenes in straight-to-Blockbuster flicks like “Fast Lane To Malibu”, “The Mistress Club” and “Carnal Fate”. And her regular gig as a correspondent for Playboy TV’s “Sexcetera” show brings her in contact with all kinds of fun-loving, freewheeling perverts.
But aside from possessing an innate sexiness and a preternatural instinct for kink, the girl can really act. Proof positive of this is her rather meaty role in “Madison Heights” a PBS drama set-to-air later this year.
Reed has a down-to-earth attitude about her regular gig as a celluloid sex kitten. And the pint-sized cutie definitely does not suffer fools gladly.
Read the interview and see a lot more of Kira in part two of BORN TO BE BAD: KIRA REED GOES FROM PLAYBOY TV TO PBS>>>