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By Film Threat Staff | October 27, 2006

Fans of HBO’s “Da Ali G Show” will be thrilled to hear Sacha Baron Cohens follow-up to the overhyped “Borat” will be none other than “Bruno,” his super-gay supermodel alter-ego. When word hit the streets that Cohen was announcing a sequel, an intense bidding war broke out in which Universal Pictures made a big ole $42 million offer for worldwide rights to the film.

Don’t know which character Bruno is? Watch and learn my little streusels…

And then you can work that catwalk and …

Read all about it at The Hollywood Reporter>>>

Editorial Note: What are we missing? Fox announces that “Borat” will be downgraded from a 2,000 theater release to an 800 theater release based on the fact that folks just don’t seem to know about “Borat” enough to justify the larger launch and… an even MORE obscure Cohen character causes a $42 million bidding war!?! Is Bruno a better, bankable character? And how can anyone not know about Borat when even the UN is talking about the guy? Oh, right, no one listens to the UN…

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