This film consists of a long, rambling voice-over narration by Rozier, in the voice of Sasquatch, the Big Foot monster of the North. The visuals show Kelron Mixon in a very silly furry suit as the Sasquatch, roaming the woods, and occasionally entering a men’s room, playground, or TV newsroom. The widescreen footage, presented in a letterboxed format, is reasonably well-shot and edited. The monologue, written in a strange tone which veers between portentous poetry and supposed comedy, expresses the Sasquatch’s loneliness as the embodiment of bestial sexuality which is shunned by civilization.
I will confess that the filmmaker’s intentions are unclear to me, but they are unclear in an uninteresting way. I think the film is supposed to be comic, but unfortunately it contains not a single funny line or image. It almost seems as if, at a party, Rozier began doing an improvised riff as the Sasquatch, and his inebriated friends were all so overcome with mirth that he became convinced that this brilliant character would make the perfect subject for a 20 minute video. It doesn’t.