I’ve just spewed in my mouth. I knew that would happen as soon as I typed the title. How anyone can even mention this nauseating abomination is beyond me.
Rushed into production – due to the success of “Batman Forever” (1995) – “Batman & Robin” was always intended to be a vehicle for selling toys and anything else that would adorn both a Bat symbol and a price tag. As a result, it had a shocking script, some sleepish performances, a frenzied pacing, and a dull overcoat. In short, it sucked.
This time, George Clooney – so very, very wrong – took on the role of Batman. Arnold Schwarznegger hammed it up as Mr.Freeze. Uma Thurman sexed it up as Poison Ivy. Alicia Silverstone joined the gang as Batgirl. Chris O’Donnell returned as Robin. Making their first appearance in the franchise, the bat-nipples.
To go on any more about this junky sequel would be only giving it more coverage, so let’s make this short.
The film looks and sounds good – but who gives a hoot – and Schumacher’s commentary is as mediocre as one could expect, having experienced his so-so chat over “Batman Forever” (1995).
“Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of Batman, Pt. 6” is easily the best thing on the disc. Here, we hear from everyone involved, notably Schumacher, on what actually happened with the film. At least they’re honest.
In addition, there’s interviews with the “Heroes” and “Villains” of the film, A Music Video, and an airplane sick-bag for later (well, there should be).