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By Film Threat Staff | June 17, 2002

After more than a week of premieres and screenings, the 2002 CineVegas Film Festival ballots have been tallied for the audience award winners.
“West of Here” was selected as the favorite among audiences in the feature category, and “Breath Control: History of the Human Beat Box” won audience kudos in the documentary category. All films in the “Diamond Discovery” feature category were eligible for audience consideration. “West of Here” was directed by Peter Masterson.
“Breath Control: History of the Human Beat Box” directors Joey Garfield and Jacob Craycroft received the Pioneer Documentary Award, sponsored by Kodak, and will receive 3500 feet of film. There were 11 films in the Pioneer Documentary section under consideration for the Audience Award.
For more from CineVegas, including other award winners and a peek at this year’s event highlights, pay a visit to the official Festival site.

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